Love Integrity & Tolerance Sober Living House

L.I.T. = Love Integrity Tolerance Sober Living

Coming Soon

(07022023 or 07232023)

House Manager: Joseph

Rent free

20/hr first three months after that 22/hr

Sober living homes are supportive transitional environments for individuals preparing to face the world during recovery from drug and alcohol addiction. Knowing how to open a sober living home requires a commitment to providing a compassionate and consistent support system for people in fragile and vulnerable physical and emotional condition. Sober living homes rely upon peer group recovery to help individuals gain strength and coping skills in a safe environment. Sober living networks serve as support systems and quality assurance for sober living homes.

If you want to make sure your sober living home is exempt from Department of Health Care Services oversight, you need to make sure that you DO NOT provide any of the following things at your sober living home:

Write a Business Plan

Include information such as company description, service description, market analysis and strategy. Describe, for example, the type of residence you want to rent or purchase. Detail how many residents you plan to accommodate at one time. Provide a list of similar operations in your area, including how long they've operated and what services they provide in comparison to your plan.

Explain how you plan to attract residents, what you'll charge and what services – such as substance abuse, job and financial counseling – you'll provide. Obtain an IRS Employer Identification Number if you want to start a sober living home. Gather operating capital.

Calculate Overhead Costs

Make a list of overhead costs related to operating a sober living house. Include expenses such as rent or mortgage, staff, utilities, Internet, cable and groceries. List all you need to furnish and stock the house for multiple residents. Search for a residence based on your operating budget.

Establish how much you need to charge residents and how long residents will stay in your house. Sober living homes typically aren't expensive, so that residents have a chance to get on their financial feet.

Research Zoning Laws

Research zoning laws in your area. Rent or purchase a dwelling, such as a duplex or single-residence house, in a quiet residential area. You may face "not-in-my-backyard" issues from neighbors or community members when trying to start a sober living home. However, you have Federal Fair Housing laws and the Americans with Disabilities Act on your side.

Furthermore, you don't need a license or certification to open a sober living house; however, there are some states such as Pennsylvania which are voluntary certification processes.

Establish Resident Criteria and Find a House Manager

Establish your sober living home as male only, female only or combined genders. Invite a person of the appropriate gender as a house manager to help run the house. Select a person who has been sober for six months to a year – contract with that person for an established period. Individuals in recovery may make reliable sober-living home operators as long as they maintain their programs of recovery.

Decide on a fair salary, which might include free lodging and meals. Select future house managers from residents who display responsible and supportive characteristics.

Ask yourself how you'll determine if a person should reside in your house. List the information individuals need to provide as part of the application process, such as identification, proof of residency in the U.S. and character references.

Prepare a Policy Handbook

Write a resident policy handbook, which details residents’ rights and responsibilities. Include a zero-tolerance policy for drugs and alcohol. Provide each resident with a copy of the handbook. Require signatures attesting that residents agree to the policy terms. Seek local recovery resources, such as Alcoholics Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous. Make meeting attendance mandatory for residents.

Filing System

Keep employee, resident, expense and income records and all receipts for tax time. Consider hiring an accountant or use a tax service.


Colab with Logan 

Colab with Taylor

Colab with Clay




What is mint and how does it work?

Mint provides a refreshing taste that can make the mouth feel clean. It also has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, which can improve teeth and gum health. The act of chewing also helps with cleaning the mouth and teeth.

What is the plant mint good for?

Mint has been long known as an herbal remedy, easing queasy stomachs, calming stress and anxiety, and promoting restful sleep. Peppermint tea has long been viewed as an excellent way to ease an upset stomach, calming the digestive tract and alleviating indigestion, gas, and cramps.

Health benefits of mint:

What does mint do to the brain?

Peppermint was found to enhance memory whereas ylang-ylang impaired it, and lengthened processing speed. In terms of subjective mood peppermint increased alertness and ylang-ylang decreased it, but significantly increased calmness.

Why is mint so powerful?

Mint leaves contain a powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory agent called rosmarinic acid. This agent blocks allergy-producing compounds, helping people suffering from allergies and asthma. The changing of seasons makes everyone sick. If you're someone who always struggles with a nasty cold, try mint.

Why is mint so powerful?

Mint leaves contain a powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory agent called rosmarinic acid. This agent blocks allergy-producing compounds, helping people suffering from allergies and asthma. The changing of seasons makes everyone sick. If you're someone who always struggles with a nasty cold, try mint.

Does mint help in hair growth?

A study published in Toxicological Research suggests that a peppermint oil solution promotes hair growth. The peppermint oil used performed better than minoxidil, which is a hair growth product approved by United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

What does mint keep away?

The pungent nature of mint deters bugs from making your home their home. Pests like ants, mosquitos, and mice will avoid mint plants whenever possible, and it can also help with other menaces like roaches, spiders, and flies.

NUTRITIONAL pyschiatry  

Inflamation and Omega 3's 


Increase Omega 3 (3 ounces 3 x's per week)


Decrease Omega 6:



Reference: USDA Nutrient Database


Randy = Owner

OC CBD Smoke Shop 

Beach and Garlfied 



Jackson - Founder




Hair stylist


Celic (C.C. Chaos)


EBT Cal: Smoke Shop 

252 s. Euclid Street 



"Wear the vest, save your chest"

"Talk to the hand cuz the face aint home, leave a message after the tone... BEEP!" - Dillon

"Only one time!" - Mimi

"Get comfortable being uncomfortable" - Gary 

"Gulp the whole morning up" - Marcus

"Let the games begin" - Tabitha

"If you really want it, get after it" - Ezekiel (Fugitive)

"I woke up in beast mode"

"I wanna cope with my past so I can live happy today" - Nassim

RELAPSE = Doing a little more research 

"You have to experience the good to experience the bad"

“Art is all perspective, so is life” - Gary 

Bottom Bunk Goals

"Let that shit go!"

Let God take the wheel

I am Mermazing!

A loser that doesn’t give up is a winner

You have an “A” keep it

We are not forsaken, we are chosen

Put yourself first you will never be last

One day two priests were up in the church towers discussing what would be a good symbol to respect the church.

One of of the priests was mindlessly making a simple paper airplane as they continued thinking on the subject.

Before heading down the church towers’ stairs, the priest lightly threw the plane out of the window.

As the two were leaving the tower, they saw a boy with the plane but was ripping it apart. One priest asked the boy why he was ripping up the plane. The boy looked up at the Priests and says “It’s not a plane, it’s a cross” - Joseph 


I give myself away so you can use me

Go from:

Hands up - give me, give me

Hands down - to giving it away 

He's no fool, he gives what he cannot keep to get what he cannot lose

Grace runs downhill

treatment center forms

Hydroxyzine 25 mg - 50 mg (Vistiril)

Methocarbinal 750 mg

Treatment Center Structure:

Groups Monday through Saturday 9 am to 4 pm


Two groups 


Two groups

Two groups 


When coming in from Detox see Doctor and Therapist the same day


7 am:

Heart rate, pulse, temperature and breathalizer 



Heart rate, pulse, temperature and breathalizer 


onthly Vehicle Inspection Form

fun stuff to do 

Newport Public Library Art Walk 

1000 Avocado Ave, Newport Beach, CA 92660


Fountain Valley Roller Skating Rink 

Whale Watching - Balboa Island


ted talks

Melissa Walker 

Art can heal PTSD invisible wounds 

“Give a man a mask, he will tell you the truth”

Rebecca Kleinberger

Why you don’t like the sound of your own voice

Alexa may know you’re pregnant before you do

Mandy Len Catron

Falling in love is the easy part

36 questions - 2 strangers - 4 minutes in the eye


God, I offer myself to thee, to build with me and do with me as thou will. Relieve me of the bondage of self, that I may better do thy will, take away my difficulties, that victory over them bear witness to those I would help of thy power, thy love and thy way of life. May I do thy will always.

magic house event

Lets get to business

The love drug is real

Went from using people to utilize people!

God can give you whatever you want

Fire to Inspire

“I wish you pain” - Mike Fiore


Group with Mike and Mckenzie

Christianity: Something being given to someone who doesn't deserve it 

We were made to make mistakes 

No one is perfect

We wouldn't need god if we were perfect

All things work together for good


Magic House Meeting 7pm 

I give myself away so you can use me

Hands up = give me, give me, give me

Hands down = to giving it away 

He’s no fool, he gives what he cannot keep to get what he cannot lose!

Grace runs downhill 

“Get comfortable being uncomfortable” - Gary

“Only one time” - Mimi

*Closing prayer = electricity/vibration (Mike)


Group with Jen 

Control Inventory 

4. How can I let go of control?


Group with Mike

Self Assuredness 



Growth mindset

I get this opportunity here everyday to better myself

Here to become the best version of myself

Genuinely be yourself!

6770 days create neural pathways

21 days consistently can reverse a habit

Objective consciousness

Don’t minimize your victories

Feelings are a warning

Emotions control your actions

Drugs and alcohol are not the problem


Group with Taylor

Big Book Study 

Morning Meditation 

Page 60 - 63

Page 76

Page 84 - 89


Chip Out

PHP = Partial Hospitalization Program 

Yoga: Wim Hoff (11 minute video)

Pinterest = journal prompts 

Instawork = side job app


Group with Jenna

How is your relationship with self?

Are you your own worst enemy?

SELF ESTEEM: D.I.L.L.I.G.A.F., happy, confidence, knowing what I want, response to what I do

SELF-COMPASSION: kind, empathetic, listening, sympathetic, caring understanding, to feel love, protect, accept, safe

SELF-LOVE: radical acceptance, unconditional without conditions and without expectation, not seperate from

SELF-WORTH (INTERNAL): value, pathetic, desperate, deprived, value stays constant

SELF-ACCEPTANCE: practice, self acceptance, the first step towards self love

Trauma & Neglect = surviving 


Group with Mike

University of Google

F.A.I.L. = First Attempt At Learning

No means = One yes away from getting everything you wanted

Your dream is your dream, it may not be about money

Life Lesson: Believe in yourself

The only fair about life is that it’s unfair 

You are the last person to see your progress

Watch Out!



Church with Jarod and Dylon

Don’t hate, donate


Daily Goals with Kat

Stay in the moment: let them be them 

Me: Listen to learn and learn to listen

Journaling, morning mediation, make your bed every morning, thank you for letting me wake up again, instantly think of 5 things you are grateful for to get out of BITCH MODE!

RBF = Resting Bitch Face

Sample morning prayer:

Ask for God to remove the people in my life that don’t need to be in it and put those people in my life that need to be


Group with Dr. John Biroc

Change = Fear (fame and succes)

We are Gods who are trapped. We are Gods who shift.

5 years old you are the most creative

Prefrontal cortex develops until you are 25


Creative Therapy Activity:

A person sits in the middle and is your DOC

Everyone in the circle talks to that person as if it is their DOC and tells them what they think of them

Then the person in the middle (DOC) talks back to them and tells them what THEY think of THEM

Naturally each day the body makes 15mgs of dopamine 

Love makes 40 mgs

On average daily up to 60 mgs naturally 

If you’re having an excellent day, everything is clicking, you can create 200 mgs 

When drugs are taken, some can rasie this number to 4000 nanograms


Percocets are used to treat migraines

Homeostasis - need for balance 

Extra cold shower naturally releases dopamine







“You’re not good enough” 

“You’re a failure”


Therapy Session with Kalieigh 

Emotions are energy in motion

Electricity imagining roots into the ground down into the earth = H2O to soothe

Consent with my body about if I should have another cup of coffee or not

Caffeine = makes cramps worse


Black = grounding stones

Purple = Amethyst = calming

Mermish = intuition 

Bracelets on your wrist containing stones = its like a direct connection to your heart

In our heads, our brain, the volume is turned all the way up

Our intuition is a much quieter voice 

Tune the stations

Intuition = wise mind

Spiritual Awakenings

In active addition = avoid spiritual awakenings

Use water to soothe fried ends 

Stop and meditate for 30 seconds

Bilater tapping = EMBR

Tarot cards 

CBT = Cognitive Behavioral Therapy 

DBT = Dialectical Behaviorial Therapy

We want feedback 

Don’t take advice from people whose lives you don’t want

Pinterest = How to sit with discomfort

Brain stabbies = Hello, Hi, acknowledge what you are, we’re okay. I feel something. How do I deal with it? Acknowledge it = give it a texture

I feel something. How do I deal with it? Acknowledge it. Texture


This is a WE program 

Running out of good ideas

Fuck the trying, I’m just doing it

We do recover

I have another run in me, I don’t know if i have another recovery in me

Can’t save your ass at the same time

C.A.S.T. = Character Awareness Silence True-self


03272023 group with mike

"Never buy a pistol, buy an M!^" - Marcus

Be woke

Perseverance in Life and Love

Leave it to God  

You never get a second chance for a first impression 

                     INVEST              SPENDING 


Sponsor Watching TV

Steps Complaining

Job searching 


“Time is free, but it's priceless. You can't own it, but you can use it. You can't keep it, but you can spend it. Once you've lost it you can never get it back.” - Harvey mackay

T.I.M.E. = Things I Must Earn

S.M.A.R.T. = Specific Measurable Attainable Realistic Time-sensitive

Growth mindset = passion for learning

Learn from your past  

If you can hate yourself, you can love yourself

Thought -> Actions -> Feelings = Play the tape all the way thru!

While you're in treatment you should be super selfish, 100% focused on you and no one else. You don't have to worry about paying rent, buying, making, even THINK about your meals. 

It's already in you to be successful, just change your mindset

24 hours, one day clean, is the record

All or nothing thinking: never diminish progress, never diminish success

Mindset = the only thing we need to change

Failure is on the path to success

All my thoughts are innocent until proven guilty = so get them out!

You are made up of 70% water, the water in your body creates an energy good or bad.

ex: frozen petri dishes - one with a bad word taped to it and one with a good word taped to it in the freezer 

Treatment = like a cast: a cast helps the bone heal

How do you wake up in the morning? Grateful, fake it 'til you make it - determines how the rest of your day will go. <---- IMPORTANT 

People who have passed or relationships that have been damaged due to addiction:

Celebrate their life, not their death

For me: My little sister Ashley

Unless you make recovery a choice, life will not get better

"I give people the opportunity to break my heart" -Mike Fiore

You cannot control the change the people around you, but you can change who you have around you

Progress makes improvement not perfection 

Loving they neighbor: doing things for people I DON'T like = showing mercy. <---- BUILDS CHARACTER

God is real

Crown of Life = Wisdom

Live your dreams

Find yourself for you

You can rely on me today

Resisence only comes when you are winning. We are not used to winnning. We need support. Connection is the opposite of addiction. 

All my relationships used to be transactional 


You don't get what you deserve in life, you get what you earn




Group with Dr. John Biroc 

Not knowing - you don’t have a handle on it

When you don’t know something you stay in the cocoon

The only way to grow is to get out of the cocoon

That's what growth is

Opening your mind to grow

Can be threatening because its out of your comfort zone

95% of all alcohol abuse has to do with alcohol 

Let it go! Stop over thinking!

Oxytocin = Love

Therapy Activity:

39 —--------------------5 years old 

5 years old —--------------7 years old (Little sister Ashley was born)

What is NORMAL?

Potty trained around 2 or 3 - society has set the bar for what’s “normal”

“Normal” is a societal thing

When you are pointing the finger at someone there are three pointing back at you



Group with Jenna

Thought traps that cause you to feel empty

Empty = perform, perfection, pretend, addictions, passivity —-> OCD —-> guilt, shame 

Noise can distract us from a primary practice of study

Focus the internal noise 

Progressive muscle relaxation 

T.U.L.A. = Total Unconditional Love and Acceptance


Therapy with Kaleigh 

Boundary sandwich 

Say something nice

Say what you want to say

Say something nice

Trust is like a jar of marbles


Group with Mike 

Don’t always get what you want, you get what you need though

Get out of your own way

Look both ways before you cross the street 

Don’t shower in regret; bathe in the moment 

Spirituality =  relationship to reality



HOW Hall Speaker Meeting

7-830 pm 


Only thing that matters is what you are doing on a daily basis

I’m a work in progress, this is a program of action

You can and will change here

Bill from the Big Book - high powered sedatives and morphine (not just alcohol)

Page 159 - provide a place where newcomers can come (doesn’t matter whether you come for drugs or alcohol)

Delusional = Truth is the lies, the lies are the truth

Book is meant to be suggestive only

If you’re not done, then go get done. Get a full knowledge of your condition if you have to. Pain is necessary 

Program of individuality 

Do your own research 

Fuck around and find out 

Do what we do

If you are laughing, you are just like me

I’m top tier sick

You are going to solve your problems whether than be chemically or spiritually 

Too much money and not enough God

Dipping too far into the act of self will

Page 24 = Forget

Obsession overrides all thinking 

I disease hard = full convict mode, i love guns

It’s a disease of the mind

Alcoholism is a think and behavior pattern

God struck me with that spiritual thunder bolt

At some point you will come to a fork in the road

No more excuses

Your perspective changes

I don’t forget my pain anymore, I never forget

God’s grace = an undeserved gift

I needed something beyond my mental capacity = God. Cuz if it were up to me, I would get loaded

Love and Tolerance

Keep it real with me or I’m not going to make it

I did it in the beginning not by choice but now I do it for the results

The Book is suggestive, not opinion suggestive

When I’m out there, I am all the way in

We are not giving you a hand out, but we will give you a hand up

AA is my way of life

Abusive relationship - beats you up daily but you come right back cuz we scared when we leave it

Game recognize game

When my ears finally opened up 

Bring the body, the mind with follow

Quit looking out and start looking in

Walk through it, don’t walk around it. Don’t avoid it. Don’t evade it.

Quit relying on your own thinking because your own thinking is distorted 


First Love Church

Color of Joy
Fill up your spiritual gas tank

Daily Devotions - Pastor Pete - Youtube

Luke 19:  28-38

The Triumphal Energy


Our expectations are what we govern our relationships by 

Willing to repeat - Rise up into that

Disciples: Imperfect persons

Took the rough and tumble and chose them as his disciples - (I could be considered one of them)

Grasping, looking for a better life

Looking for some kind of power over yourself and your sins

We can be free front the bondage of addiction

“And if anyone….”

Because He laid it all out beforehand

Our own lives are but a whisper of time compared to eternity

Disciple = learner or student

Mathew 6:33

Mathews means “the gift of god” 

John 18: 36-37

“Should bear witness…my voice”


I Samual 6:7-8

“The Chosen” - movie

Luke 19:30-31

Viva del Rosa = way of pain

Allow him to show us who we are really supposed to be



Nutritional Psychiatry  - Gut Health

Brain - Vagus Nerve - Helps you calm down, breathing 

Gut - Brain Axis - Gut health related to mental health


Seratonine 95% - Calm Happy

Dopamine 50% - Amphetamines mainly are prescribed to increase dopamine - Motivation 

GABA 5-20% - Calming in general (Gabapentin)

Vitamin D = related to mental health issues (deficiency)

Best source is the sun

Microbiome Transplants 

Probiotics and Fiber

We are omnivores - supposed to be eating plants

After eating fiber, within around 20 minutes You are already feeling bloated and uncofortable

Sour cream sometimes they add lactic acid - want to make sure it is made with live cultures - Daisy is one example that does

Pickles - 99% are packed in vinegar to mimic fermention - refrigerated MAY be activly fermenting

Probiotic foods - fermented food: yogurt, kimchi

Proliferation of good bacteria = fermentation 

every morning <----do this!

Gratitude List:

5 different things every morning before you start your day

Daily Review/Journal 

Write down your challenges and victories for the day. Every night before

rhp rules

First 72 hours rules are the same as Detox = no phone, no wallet, no car, no leaving unless with staff

Sundays : chore


Monday - Friday and Sunday night = 10 pm

Saturday = night 11 pm

3 Outside meetings per week with proof

Visitors: Sunday 1-4 pm

2nd book - (12 steps 12 traditions)

books & movies

Butterfly Effect

(BONUS: flip it over and Dr. John Birac speaks on the back)



6:45 pm Beginners and Traditions Speaker Meeting

Christ Church by the Sea

1400 W. Balboa 

7:00 pm NA Meeting 

Costa Mesa Alano Club (Detox)

7pm Tuesday 

Resergence Alumni Zoom Meeting

AA Meeting Bonfire Meeting 


Huntington beach 

Danny 7pm

Lifeguard stand 11

CMA = Crystal Meth Anonymous

Costa Mesa Alano Club 

Wednesday @ 730 pm

36 questions











A.R.T. = Armed Recovery Tongues

Twisted Thinking

Thinking, Feelings, Behavior 

Belly breathing arm triangle